Kamis, 25 April 2013

How to be a good husband

How to be a good husband

Every wife loves a good husband. That is NORMAL, and now I will give you some secret about what step you have to choose when you want to be a good husband.

1. Woke your wife in the early morning for inviting her prayer to the mosque. Because you have to know that every woman wants a pious husband. The pious husband is the husband who always reminds his wife as his congregation to do action with a great reward.

2. Don’t do any physical abuse in family. Because in addition to it will cause problems in the household, it can also ensnare you into the legal process can be detrimental to your own results.

3. Don’t comment about what dress you will wear when you will go to work. Because in common, the wife hates it when you comment about dressing in the morning. The task of wife in the morning just cooks the breakfast, so you don’t comment about the bad dress or the clutter dress in the bedroom.

4. Keep the stuffs that have been taken in its place again. For example if you take comb on the dresser, it means you must save it again on the dresser. Is unlikely that such a small thing remains to be done by the wife

5. Arrive on time and with a cheerful countenance and brought gifts. A wife would be happy if when her husband came home she brought food every day, because indirectly it is a form of attention to the wife's husband.

6. Invite and allowing children to play during the weekend. Because on a typical day the children will be spending more time with the mother or the baby sitter, day weekend ever because it means all the workers off, became a liability for the fathers or husbands to encourage their children to play.

7. Smile, smile with sincere of course, not a smile with the others meaning. Because in the fact a woman will be happy when they look the man give them sweet smile every meet. This will increase the level of harmony in the family.

8. Make a surprise. Woman likes getting a surprise. Make your time as ‘many for giving some surprise to your wife, if you feel a level of their love was decreased.

9. Listen to her. Let your wife talked everything and listen here. When she was talking her feeling and she wants you to give your response and you just say “what? Why?” DON’T DO THAT because your wife will be bad moodand angry.

10. Give her a forehead kiss. If a husband look his wife annoyed or do something different, better you are as husband can make her happy, and one way is to kiss her forehead. uhh so sweet..

11. Be patience. You must be patience if one day your wife get angry because beside be patience is piece of faith, it is will make your family better. Do something with sincerity and with love not with forced.

12. You have to be honest person. Because the woman will assume all of your statement LIE if you ever tell a lie. You will feel free when you tell your wife the real statement. 

I hope you can be a good husband after you read the tips...

Minggu, 14 April 2013

minggu sore

Astaga. Sore macam apa ini. Kapas warna putih, gigi warna putih, susu warna putih dan sapi minum susu. Entah apa yang dipikirkana otak ini. Am I still have any brain? I don’t care about it.
Langit kelabu memang bukan telak tanda akan turunnya hujan, tapi kali ini iya. Disini hujan besar, pukul 3 sore.  Sudah dikira kaki ini tidak mungkin ingin beranjak pindah jauh dari ranjang tempat badan gembrot ini merebah. Tik tok tik tok hujannya mulai surut, dari suara mengalir berubah menjadi hanya gemericik. Berubah. berbeda dengan kaki yang belum  kuasa untuk melangkah atau hanya mengenai benda berbentuk kotak, putih dan dingin ini. “kakak kakak, anterin bunda ke apotik beli makan” sejak kapan keluarga saya makan dengan lauh pauh dibeli dari apotek? I don’t care. Oke ini saatnya dimana kakikku tidak hanya diam dbalik selimut. Ayoo lets moving.

Sudah menjadi kebiasaan seorang wanita untuk menatap sebuah kaca dimanapun itu dalam beberapa detik atau hitungan menit. Begitupun saya. Menggunakan kerudung perlahan mencoba tersenyum sebaik mungkin, secantik mungkin berfikir kalau-kalau saya beretemu seseorang yang saya kenal di sepanjang jalan. Brrmmm, motor saya gas sampai tiba tepat di sebrang apotek, ya tempat yang menjadi tujuan kami. Tanpa ada yang saya kenal sepanjang perjalanan yang berarti tidak saya gunakan training tersenyum selama beberapa menit di kaca tadi. Hingga sampai detiknya saya menyebrangi lebar bahu jalan antara motor dan apotek. Tiiiiiiit Tiiiittt.. cekiiiit terdengar suara oli rem yang mungkin sudah mulai kering dalam motor. Hampir fiuhh. Sedetik saja pengendara motor itu membuat suara rem berbunyi, matilah sudah saya. Memang salah saya yang hanya melihat sisi kiri dalam penyebrangan itu, harusnya saya tahu sisi itu ada 2, kanan dan kiri. Secara langsung dan reflex otot muka atau kepala, entah apa iti yang bergerak menuju asal suara rem tadi berasal, berasal dari motor yang hampir menghantam badan satu-satunya ini.

WaaaaaaaaaaaaW. Who is he?? God ini nyata? Apa suara tadi benar berasal dari motor yang ada di sisi kiri saya saat ini? dia. Stuck, sakit tidak, pusing tidak, kaget tidak. Tapi kenapa badan ini terasa lebih dari semua itu. Otak muai membeku kakipun ikut membeku bukan karena benda berbentuk kotak, putih dan dingin tadi, melainkan karena sosok berjaket coklat yang ada dibalik stang motor hijau.  Saya kenal dia ya sangat mengenalnya, tapi kenapa saya tiba-tiba lupa sama preparation senyuman tadi? Kenapa tiba-tiba hilang. Mana niat yang tadi saya paparkan didepan kaca selama bermenit-menit.

Mungkin belum saatnya senyuman ini saya lontarkan pada seseorang yang memang saya kenal, berada dijalan dan hampir membuat satu luka lagi.

Jumat, 05 April 2013


gue mau coba sekali galau di blog laaah... gak rame kan kalo idup ketawa terus. lu kira ini dunia dunianya spongebob yang tiap pagi bilang "aku siap aku siap aha aha aha aha"?? bukan beeroohhh..
oke. galau. galau karena apa? kita mulai galauin diri sendiri aja ya.
noviyanti anggraeni. syapa sih gue??? orang yang bisanya ketawa ketiwi selama dosen cuap-cuap di depan kelas. yang demennya ngomongin orang pas objeknya gak ada di sekitar. yang bisanya cuman maen UNO setiap pulang ngampus. paling banter gue diem dikosan nyetrika atau nyuci. hmmm udah gak beda jauh sama pembantu. yang bikin kecaprukan gue bertambah adalaaaah temen temen yang sama sama ada di tingkatatan mahasiswa "weird". intan mustika sari, Lusy ayu karlina, lelly mursyid, mahesa ilyas, nadiya fatimatuttakiyah.

uuuuhhh kalian (para pembaca blog) bisa liat betapa "lengkap"nya persahabatan ini. dimulai dari gue sendiri, cewek 18 tahun tapi udah semester 4 karena bejo yang bisanya nengok sana sini pas lagi UTS(writing), intan mustika sari yang bejo+pintar mungkin karena dia sering minum tolak angin+antaning secara bersamaan, lusy ayu karlina yang demennya telat masuk kelas yang udah diperkirakan dia berangkat dari rumah jam 1 ketika mata kuliah pertama dimulai jam setengah 1, lelly mursyida yang katanya punya anak tuyul yang dia bawa kemana-mana, maesah ilyas yang agak mending cewek lugu baik tapi gampang marah kalo pas dibagi duit penghasilan hasil jualan bunga, dan yang terakhir ada nadiya fatmatutakiyah yang kadang nyebelin kalo pas lagi enak-enak nonton atau maen uno dia nyeletuk "solat hey solat" hemmm.. 


dan judulnya udah gue ganti, bukan galau tapi curhat dan ngasih tau kalian para blogger kalo kami ada, kami nyata dan kami masih hidup.

filed and succeesed in business.

1. Maybe they didn’t have sufficient funds to support on going business development. So the management and growth of the business should be hindered because of the lack of fresh funds, and ultimately the business will sink in the middle of the competition other franchise businesses.
2. Mistakes are choosing a business partner or franchisee candidates. So many investors did not understand the business, and has no experience in the franchise world join a partnership. As a result, the focus of the franchisor to develop its business only will be split, and the time consumed just to assist its partners.
3. Don’t  have enough experience in the business partnership. So the partnership offered by the franchisor is not ready to compete with others and can not last long in the competition.
4. They does not have a large operational funding. Surely this pattern to be one big mistake franchise businesses, however, because the franchisee require reserve funds to meet all the needs of its business operations.
5. Ineffective communication between the franchisaler and buyer or consument. Especially for partners that have a location far enough away from franchisornya, so that each party is not up to date with the latest information from the business being operated.
6. Don’t have a support system in each region. It is no wonder that many franchisees are deciding collaboration on the way, because they do not get help from the franchisor when experiencing difficulties i1. Selling each unit of product by profit

To be succeed in business today, you need to be flexible and have good planning and organizational skills. Many people start a business thinking that they'll turn on their computers or open their doors and start making money only to find that making money in a business is much more difficult than they thought. You can avoid this in your business ventures by taking your time and planning out all the necessary steps you need to reach to achieve success. Read on to find out how.

1. To be successful in business you need to be organized. Organization will help you complete tasks and stay on top of things to be done.
2. understand the risks and rewards, because the key to being succesful is taking calculated risk to help our business grow. This knowledge will support you to take the kinds of calculated risk that can generate tremendous rewards for business.
3. be creative, always be looking for ways to improve your business and to make it stand out from the competition. Recognize that you don’t know and be open to new ideas and new approach.mean that we are going immediately start making money. It takes time to let people know who we are, so stay focused on achieving your short-term goals and give the rest time to come together on its own.
4. provide great service. There are many succesful business that forget to provide costumer, but if you want your business increase we have to provide better service our customers, they will be more inclined come to us in the next time they need something instead of going to our competition.
5. Be consistent. Consistency is key of component to make money in business. We havr to consistently keep doing the things necessary to be successful day in and day out. This will create positive term habits. That will help you to make money over the long term